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詳細說明: |
Aluminum Conductor Aluminum Clad Steel Supported (ACSS/AS or ACSS/AW) is a composite concentric-lay stranded conductor with one or more layers of hard drawn and annealed 1350-0 aluminum wires on a central core of aluminum clad steel core. In an ACSS/AS ,under normal operating conditions, the mechanical load is mainly derived from the steel core as aluminum in fully annealed stage does not contribute much towards the mechanical strength. Aluminum Clad steel has got an excellent resistance towards corrosion.
ACSS/AS can be safely operated upto 250oC continuously without loosing the mechanical properties. The final sag-tension performance is not affected by the long term creep of aluminum.
Cahe can manufacture and supply this conductor on Returnable Steel Reels or Non-Returnable wooden/steel reels depending on customer requirement.
- better self damping property
- high current carrying capacity
- excellent corrosion resistance
- excellent immunity to vibration fatigue
- suitable for high temperature operation
- long term creep of aluminum doesnot affect final sag
ACSS/AS manufactured by Cahe meets/or exceeds the requirements of all international specification standards like ASTM B 856.